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Four Great Truths

Sehu Khepera Ankh (on right) and Sebai Maa Dr. Muata Ashby

The Four Great Truths of the Shetaut Neter (Ancient Egyptian, Kemetic Yoga) Religion



Based on the scriptures and Traditions of Shetaut Neter

By Sebai Maa and Seba Dja Ashby

Espoused by Sehu Khepera Ankh





“The Neter, the Supreme Being, is One and alone and as Neberdjer, manifesting everywhere and in all things in the form of Gods and Goddesses.”






“Lack of righteousness brings fetters to the personality and these fetters cause ignorance of the Divine.”






“Devotion to the Divine leads to freedom from the fetters of Set.”






“The practice of the Shedy disciplines leads to knowing oneself and the Divine. This is called being True of Speech.”


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