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Goddess Tradition
Goddess Tradition

         The Goddess Tradition of Ancient Egypt is a highly specialized and mystical teaching.  The religion of Ancient Egypt is suffused with the Goddess power and wisdom.  Howeveor, certain Goddess se such as Neith, Aset, and Sekhmet were given prominence and had worship temples and chapels dedicated to them.   The Goddess Nebt Het (Nephtys) is mentioned in the Pyramid Text, the oldest extant religious writing in this era of human history.  The Goddesses Aset, Nebt Het, Net and Selket makes up the quadratic goddesses of protection-each comprising a half of two and when put together forms 4- a mystical number in the Kemetic tradition.  Therefore, the protective Goddesses are all related and interlaced as symbiotic powers and when worshipped and propitiated protects the soul on its journey through the narrow passageways of the Duat (Netherworld).  Thus, in Ancient Egyptian religion and mystical philosophy the Supreme Being is also worshiped as the Divine Mother-the All Encompassing Deity.  In as such the universe and all other deities come from her, she creates the cosmos and earth and all sentient creatures within all the worlds of existence. Hence, what we have here is a sophisticated system of religion where the Goddess Power is given high prominence and following her myths and teachings leads the soul to wisdom and discovery of the absolute, the transcendent reality which is the substratum of all existence.

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